Sober living

Concurrent Treatment of Substance Use and PTSD

Problems with alcohol abuse and PTSD

Second, the use of opioid blockers such as naltrexone may block the effects of alcohol and break the addictive cycle. Of note, ptsd and alcohol abuse while alcohol use to down-regulate despondency, anger, and positive emotions, separately, accounted for the relation of PTSD symptom severity to alcohol misuse, in a model that simultaneously examined these factors, only alcohol use to down-regulate despondency made a significant and unique contribution to this association. These findings are not surprising given the extensive literature linking despondency to alcohol misuse (for reviews, see Boden & Fergusson, 2011; Foulds et al., 2015). Future research would benefit from further explicating of the relative and unique roles of alcohol use to down-regulate despondency, anger, and positive emotions in PTSD-AUD.

Race and Ethnicity Considerations Related to AUD and PTSD

Problems with alcohol abuse and PTSD

Despite being allocated to distinct groups, women, hospital inpatients, and participants with refugee backgrounds (all women) were underrepresented in the sample. All participants had an AUD which is, in itself, a modulatory factor for neuroimmune status. We are unable to confirm the accuracy of recall of past adverse events and other forms of reporting bias as several of the variables were constructed from personally sensitive self-report data. Further, calculation of standard alcohol units is approximate as the possibility of a wide variation in the ethanol concentration of locally brewed beverages cannot be ruled out. Future adequately sampled studies should account for confounders of inflammatory mediators in blood, and the comparison group should include a healthy control as well as isolated disorders. Epigenetic changes relevant to hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis response have been found to correlate with specific childhood abuse and its repetitiveness 66.

Problems with alcohol abuse and PTSD


  • Most would agree that tolerance is a multifactorial process that occurs at different rates for different patients, and also depends on the profile of the benzodiazepine used.
  • PTSD, like other mental health conditions, results from interacting social, psychological and biological factors.
  • The effects of depressed mood on neuropsychological functioning have been well documented (Snyder & Nussbaum, 1998).
  • For example, people with cocaine usedisorder might be particularly bothered by the presence of strong negative beliefsabout the safety of the world (even if these symptoms themselves are notparticularly severe), which leads them to seek increases in hypervigilance viacocaine to protect themselves.

Thus, we set out to investigate the prevalence of PTSD, and its socio-demographic what is alcoholism and AUD-related correlates in a treatment sample of AUD in Nepal. Specifically, we examined the relationship between AUD-PTSD comorbidity and serum levels of CRP, inflammatory cytokines, tryptophan metabolism parameters, and BDNF. Prazosin is an alpha1 adrenergic agonist currently FDA-approved for use as a hypertensive agent. Prazosin has been explored in the treatment of SUD and PTSD separately, but only recently in the treatment of co-occurring SUD and PTSD. Prazosin has demonstrated efficacy to reduce PTSD-related nightmares and daytime hyperarousal symptoms, and to improve sleep among individuals with PTSD 27, 78.

Problems with alcohol abuse and PTSD

Participants and Procedure

Problems with alcohol abuse and PTSD

Carbamazepine is metabolized by CYP3A4, and interactions with other drugs that induce, inhibit, or compete for CYP3A4 are relatively common, which may limit its use. Clonidine acts exclusively at the alpha-2 adrenoceptors levels and lacks carbamazepine’s GABAergic function and mood stabilization, thus leaving patients to experience all the other withdrawal symptoms if used alone for detoxification. Uncontrollable trauma in animals and humans leads to stress-induced increases in the release of endorphins. The emotional numbing seen in rats exhibiting learned helplessness and in patients with PTSD may be related to the increased release of endorphins as a result of stress. Such increases in endorphin activity are observed in response to trauma and may also occur during exposure to trauma reminders.

Understanding the Link Between PTSD and Alcohol Abuse

Administration of alprazolam, and not lorazepam, has been found to elicit a significant increase in extracellular dopamine concentrations in the striatum and a marked trend towards increased levels of serotonin, which induced behavioral stimulatory effects on animals (Bentue-Ferrer et al., 2001). The striatum is a heterogeneous structure connected to dopaminergic reward circuitry, receiving input from the prefrontal cortex and ventral tegmental area to guide behavioral output, including motor planning, decision-making, motivation, and reward. Most drugs involved in misuse or addiction consistently lead to dopamine release in the striatum (Di Chiara and Imperato, 1988; White and Kalivas, 1998; Willuhn et al., 2010; Vander Weele et al., 2014).


Margaret was raised in a chaotic environment, experiencing extensive physical abuse first by her alcoholic parents, then later in an abusive relationship. During one particularly disturbing event, she recalled being severely beaten, then locked in a closet, bleeding, for several hours. When Margaret was 16 she was involuntarily hospitalized following a suicide attempt, and subsequently became involved in a sexual relationship with a male patient who forced her to participate in group, sadomasochistic sex several times during a 6-month period. Following this experience, Margaret began abusing a variety of substances, primarily alcohol. When she presented for treatment at age 38, she had undergone at least 10 prior treatment attempts for alcohol dependence. She reported drinking up to a =https://ecosoberhouse.com/ case of beer daily, which she said she used primarily to help her sleep and to suppress nightmares of the sexual abuse, and also in response to the trauma reminders she frequently experienced in daily life.

  • According to Capone, MDMA is less of a hallucinogen than other psychedelic drugs and instead promotes feelings like empathy, sociability and introspection.
  • She avoided numerous situations reminiscent of her earlier experiences, including her childhood home and movies and news items involving child abuse.
  • This durable comorbidity has been found in large, small, representative, and targeted samples.
  • The Long-Delay Free Recall score reflects the test takers’ ability to retain the word list over a period of 20 min, and is a measure of delayed verbal memory.
  • Several explanations have been proposed to help explain why individuals with PTSD may engage in efforts to down-regulate positive emotions.

Inconsistent with these findings,two studies on this topic did not identify an association between PTSD symptomclusters and cocaine use (Avant et al., 2011) or dependence in remission (Tull etal., 2010) among individuals exposed to trauma but unselected for PTSD or AUD. It ispossible that the differences identified in the current study emerge when examiningindividuals selected for likely PTSD, individuals with cocaine use disorder comorbidto AUD, or individuals with a SUD with active use. Taken together, the findings suggest that regardless of the type of substance being misused (alcohol, marijuana, cocaine), those who had no history of AOD problems and those that had not misused over the past six-months experienced fewer PTSD symptoms than those who were currently misusing. Also, those who had misused substances in the past experienced more PTSD symptoms than those who had no lifetime history of substance misuse. It is possible that substance misuse maintains, or exacerbates, PTSD symptoms, which would suggest that cessation from substance use would ameliorate PTSD symptoms. However, a second possible explanation is that those who were currently misusing substances had higher levels of PTSD and were unable to cease use.

Problems with alcohol abuse and PTSD

After covarying for education, Vocabulary, and the residualized SCL-90-R Depression score, there was a main effect for PTSD on Letter Number Sequencing, Digit Span, and Digit Symbol. There were no main effects for alcohol or interaction effects on any of these measures. To assess short and long-term visual memory, we used the Visual Immediate Index and Visual Delayed Index scores of the WMS–III. These indices are composed of the Faces and Family Pictures subtests, immediate and delayed recall. In the Faces subtest, the participant is asked to remember photographs of faces and then is shown a series of faces and must identify whether the face was one he or she was asked to remember.

The effects of different types of trauma on psychopathology have also been examined,15,16 suggesting the effect of trauma may sometimes be type-specific. For example, Powers et al.15 found that childhood emotional abuse and neglect were more predictive of adult depression than physical or sexual abuse. Gender may also play an important role in behavioral and psychiatric outcomes of different types of childhood trauma. However, the potential differential role of type of childhood maltreatment on substance abuse in a high-risk population remains unclear. The treatment of PTSD patients with alcohol dependence involves simultaneously addressing both disorders, because they seem to be intertwined. In therapy, patients learn to cope with their previous traumas and to handle situations that may remind them of the event.

The results of these two studies do not significantly alter the conclusions/recommendations except to help suggest future research directions. PTSD is included in the priority conditions covered by WHO’s mhGAP Programme, which includes guidelines for managing PTSD. This programme aims to help countries increase services for people with mental, neurological and substance use disorders in non-specialized settings in LMICs and is being implemented in more than 100 countries. For example, experiencing ongoing or repeated potentially traumatic events, developing a serious physical injury during the event(s), or witnessing harm to others can all increase risk. Receiving social support following  potentially traumatic events can reduce the risk for PTSD. People with PTSD avoid situations, activities, thoughts or memories that remind them of the traumatic event(s).

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